Author Archives: Abigail

Kids, parents and decisions

Kids struggle with making the right decisions. How can parents teach this learn-able skill.

Help, My Child is an Introvert!!!

As I drove my kids’ home from school on a Friday afternoon, my older teenage son suddenly springs it on me that he had a party to attend the day after. Huh?……..I found it odd! When did he start enjoying going to parties, and why am I asking myself this question, why am I surprised?…

Plant in a Garden Where Your Child Will Grow

Happy New Year to all parents out there. Welcome to yet another year that would no doubt present us with wonderful opportunities as well as let-downs on our parental bus ride. Parenting is a gradual and continuous process. We could either fall into the category of being; full time home keepers with our kids around…

I won’t give in!

Mr Andrews received an email from his son Tobis’ school house master. Dear Mr Andrews, Tobi has been placed on detention for arriving at his extra curriculum activities, 25mins late…….. When Tobi arrived from school, Mr Andrews told his son he was highly disappointed in him for getting a detention so early in the new…

Dealing with Signs of Low Self Esteem

I often wonder why some school teachers try to discipline a child/student for whatever reason without putting the child’s feelings into consideration. As adults, teachers, carers, tutors, or parents, we need to exercise control and remain poised when dealing with children’s behaviours while we seek teachable moments to teach them so that they can take…

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